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Water Only in Sippy Cups

Published on Friday, April 1, 2016

Water Only in Sippy Cups

Sippy cups may make life a lot easier for parents, but did you know that their use can negatively affect your child’s dental health? According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), tooth decay among young children is on the rise. Many experts believe that sippy cups containing sugary beverages are to blame. 

To help parents reduce the risk of cavities in young children, the AAPD and University Pediatric Dentistry recommend that parents should follow guidelines for proper usage of sippy cups. The sippy cup should not be used for an extended period of time, but instead as a training tool to help toddlers transition from a bottle to a cup. Unless it is being used at mealtimes, the sippy cup should only be filled with water. It is important to remember that even juice heavily diluted with water contains sugar which can cause cavities. Also, parents should avoid using a sippy cup at naptime or bedtime unless they contain water.

When it comes to water for older, school-age children, remember to check beverage labels for sugar content. Waters like Capri Sun Roarin’ Waters and Vitamin Water, for example, are sweetened with a fair amount of sugar which eat away at the teeth’s enamel. 

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